Tuesday, 30 December 2008

假期的日子+Last post for 2008



这 个假期,我哥都很努力地在收拾他摆放东西的每个角落,因为hor,以前什么都不舍得丢,怕还有用到还是什么的,现在!!看到国语版的甚至他的时代的参考 书,统统清!!Good!^_^ 我也等这个时机等得好久了,因为之前都没有人敢乱丢他的东西。为了摆放他的Lego,他还不惜拆了,把所有的Lego都给清洗了,再重组。没关系,他有的 是时间,整个假期“留留长”,上个星期日才刚回到大学去。So,还记得有个拜六我一整天就跟他在收拾了一个书橱,还让了我的一个位子给他摆Lego,因为在学院就读以后我也没用书橱了。




当然少不了汤圆咯^_^ 这是早上的第一碗。。。

晚上也吃了一碗。。。^_^ 这个冬至也吃了好多粒汤圆了=D

我家人不很喜欢大节日出去的,因为人挤人,车挤车的,我就有时有时啦!hehe!! 看情况咯!还记得圣诞那天我一家人就去了Damansara走走。早上先去了Paramount, PJ去吃早午餐,then就去Courts Megastore和Tesco去。


开学3个星期后就是华人农历新年咯!开学大家都会好忙哟!上课、读书也算hor??^_^ so我们忙我们的,爸妈忙爸妈的。开学了就没什么时间跟我妈shopping买新衣啦!索性趁现在放假得空就去买了先,新年一件新衣就当一个意思而已啦!hehe!!


上半年的确浪费了很多时间,只有一个月是过得比较充实的,因为有在外工作。当时的我很厌倦甚至讨厌整天在家,因为都被当成了出气筒。下半年就开心多了,读书也没以前那么压力,跟的朋友也很不错^_^ 明天要跟朋友出外倒数哟!哈哈!不是去人山人海的倒数场地喇!所以明天看是没时间上来的了。


Sunday, 28 December 2008

what a hot day !!!-o-iii

Walao!! What a hot day for today ar?? Sweating the whole day la !!!-.-iii Really damn hot, hot and hot!! Almost beh tahan.

Today, my elder brother was preparing to go back to his Uni already. So this morning I think he woke up quite early to make his last packing. Cause 10am something only I woke up, so not sure. hehe!!^_^ Well, about 11am, my family and I were going out to have lunch at Jalan Chan Sow Lin. We had ordered 2 dishes+2 fishes for the lunch. lol... 5 people ate 2 fishes. Our appetite really terkejut people lo...haha!! Then, after my brother pack all the things in the car, he started his journey back to his Uni already. He almost fully pack the whole car! with only he himself punya barang. Then my mum ask then how about those outstations' students going to pack to Uni leh?? haha! Cause my brother can drive mah! so every thing just bring from house, for those outstations' students they normally will buy or they already leave their things there before.

After that, was my younger brother turn to arrange his table already. Holiday is just one week left, now only he wanted to arrange. aih... But better than didn't arrange or I arrange for him la! hehe!! Well, I just hanging around to wait for cleaning up the house in the evening. So, actually I'm saving energy.^_^ But due to the HOT weather, I sat under the fan also sweating around... aiyo!!

About 5pm, OK! Cleaning activity start!! Actually my younger brother and I are doing housework weekly, but today's work need more time to finish it, cause my dad and I were cleaning up the spider web at every corner of the ceiling and also the dust on the wall. This job normally do 1 or 2 time each year. So we did it today as if done a 大扫除 before CNY. hehe^_^ The following week just sweep and mop the floor enough. After 2 hours... All jobs had been done!! Good! yeah^_^

Everyone is so tired... take bath-->dinner-->relax. while I'm blogging here^_^
Luckily now is drizzling, cooler than noon... can save electricity not to switch on air-cond already... haha!! Tomorrow my dad is not working, don't know will go anywhere jalan jalan or not leh??!

Saturday, 27 December 2008


今天约了朋友一起到Sg. Wang去,不是为了走街哦!是去做支持者,有心的支持者!!这是环东艺校举办的歌唱比赛,我朋友--诗咏就是参赛者之一。上次半决赛因为考试所以没能到场支持,so今次有空有心情当然要到现场为我这位好友打打气啦!毕竟决赛了。。。

早在几天前传了短讯给e-frenz gang的朋友们,到最后要到的也到了,就只有我、慧婷和怡真罢了。。。Then还有诗咏的另一班支持者哟!-Yin Huei, May Shuen, Chui Yin, Lay Muen...(不很记得还有谁了^_^)这班朋友的到来还令她蛮surprise的哦!而至于我们呢,如果没到她说她肯定会感到彻底的失望咯!那就当然了。

今天12pm怡真载了我们-Yin Huei, 慧婷和我到Time Square去。有的事也不是很想多说了。。。到了那里我们就在欢喜地享用了午餐然后才走到Sg. Wang去。我们到步时也刚好开始了,找了找诗咏的姐姐then就站在附近咯。Yin Huei说感觉上我们不够人强马壮。哈哈!但我们也很尽力地呼喊了。^_^ 看完整场比赛也大概4点多了,等了等诗咏整理一切我们就在一起拍照留念then去喝茶谈天。因诗咏要早回家,so我们也没待到那么夜,but我们也没想过太晚回家啦^_^

不知道为什么今天的blogging mood好像怪怪的,就只是想写写今天的状况啦!But其实还有很多东西想讲的咯!就不知道该怎么开始然后结束,想讲的又好像不管自己的事酱,只是想提醒某某人。aih... 算了!不讲好了,免得惹是生非咯hor?!!ok.. 今天就到此吧!


~Belated~ Merry Christmasss^_^

to my family, relatives and all my friends!!!

Friday, 26 December 2008

Fun at Sunway Lagoon!!

~Our memory at Lagoon-2008~

在云顶吹了2天1夜的风后,隔了一天(19/12)我又和college的朋友-Sam, Poh Jin, Crystal, Sze Yin, Sam's sister, Edward, Chun Lim和Tommy一起去Sunway Lagoon玩个痛快^_^ 当时刚刚从云顶回来又要出去也犹豫了一下,因为不知道我妈会不会让我去,但是我就想去。问了问我妈刚开始她是说:“刚回来又出去!” 过后我再问多一次的时候她就说:“去啦去啦!去玩饱它。”(以温和的语气啦!)^_^ 当时就立刻跟朋友confirm了。hehe!

11pm meet... 讨论。。。买票。。。进场!!
( 以为只有我们女生geh...最后出现了3位男的。nvm^_^)
他们三位男的不知道为什么那样迟,so我们先去玩了。hehe!! 先去了water park,湿一湿。其实我们6位女生hor。。。^_^ 都不熟水性的 hehe!! 没关系,不深就ok咯!过后去玩一些刺激的,但是Crystal和Sze Yin就不要玩。nevermind... so剩下我们4个去玩咯!爽呀!从来没玩过^_^ 我想上一次去Lagoon应该是10多年前的事了吧!大概读幼稚园的时候。。。玩完了看到她们2个租了个救生圈,她们说没有它不好玩。没办法,唯有花RM5开关locker来拿钱了。过后就遇到那3位先生了。

6 girls + 3 guys... wei!!why their background so nice geh?!...



After water park,我们就要去amusement park了。去之前先医一医肚子。。。哪里找钱leh?!哈哈!我们换了救生圈拿回RM15的deposit嘛!为了能买到刚刚好价值的食物,买之前还问了服务生那份食物有没有加tax的。-.-lll hor?! 哈哈!!没办法嘛!如果买到不够钱付leh??That's why we must ask that^_^

右边3位先生,看他们的表情^_^ (左到右:爽-闷-怕) 哈哈!!






5点多6点我们就离开了。Then就到BBQ Plaza享用晚餐。。。

看到一条线吗?!被晒到的。。。太明显了吧!不知道是表带还是戴在那里的钥匙印leh?! 至今还未消。。。

Wednesday, 24 December 2008

Genting Trip

Our memory at Genting-2008^_^

wow!! 一放假就有朋友问要不要去云顶吹风,当时我也没犹豫什么,还没问我妈就一口答应了朋友。哈哈!放假嘛!知道她一定让我去的^_^ 更何况我的家人又甚少去旅行。So... Then... 上个拜二就跟了几位中学的朋友-Hui Xin, Huei Min, Fui Teng, Jeffrey和Yong Shen一起上去吹吹风。。。刚巧Sunway, Inti和Lim Kok Wing都放假了,so才约得出来相聚。

吩咐好8.30am到KL Sentral集合的,我跟Fui Teng就迟了一点点从巴士站走到Mc D去啦!Then到了给其他朋友说因为我们迟到所以2pm才有巴士上云顶。(一定是原本都没有巴士了所以才找我们顶档啦!aih... 识穿了吧^_^)Then为了不要等到2pm酱久,我们的解决办法就是乘Putra Line到最后一站-Gombak去,在那里买上云顶的巴士车票。(当时我才知道原来有这样的事。哈哈!在KL Sentral买不到就去Gombak,Gombak没有的话leh就唯有等咯。。)还好那时我们买到了10.30am的车票,至少不用在KL Sentral等到2pm咯!

到了那里第一时间就是赶去check in了。我们住的就当然是Genting First World咯!为什么要赶去check in leh?! 因为hor,那里的check in跟其他的酒店不一样的,我们需要拿号码等。。。我们拿到的号码就大概接近400了,可是你知道吗,当时的号码板显示着100多号罢了@_@ So,我们先去享用午餐,再去Mc D来个甜品。。。

3、4点那样。。。终于。。。Is our turn. 可以上房休息咯^_^

哇!!好像要去打战leh... 干粮一箩箩。一打鬼佬凉茶又何以解释呢?!


wow!! 晚上的雾好大哦!冷~.~



JEFFREY!! You still not full yet??!

what happen??! I think we don't know her geh... OMG!! Drink till drunk and sleep on the floor?? I know nothing......


第二天,准备准备了就乘巴士到Titiwangsa的LRT去,再乘LRT回家。。。回家的路途好难受哟@_@ 整身不舒服。haizz...

Tuesday, 23 December 2008


3 个人在家的一个星期。。。
正值我考试的那个星期,恰巧我妈和弟都各自跟了朋友去旅行。我妈就去泰国-Kosomoi;而我弟就去槟城。真好!aih... 我就得在家作战 T_T 还好还有爸和哥陪伴,不然家里好静leh!那几天妈不在家,所以家里也没煮,不用旨意我啦!哈哈!煮了自己吃就ok啦!^_^ So,那几天几乎不是打包就是出去吃。还好只是那么一个星期,不然吃到我都不知要吃什么了。现在都不很记得那个礼拜到底吃了些什么。哈哈!只记得拜二去了夜市打包lap lap zap zap回家吃,then拜三也是打包,but就打包了菜肴而已。还记得那天我在家煮了锅饭,我和哥就一直在想三个人到底要多少gong米leh?!哈哈!因为平时有煮都是煮五个人的嘛!So最后放了1 3/4的米。就随便啦!hehe!^_^ 最后煮出来就真的差不多刚刚好,but hor^_^ 放太多水了,有点粘,还好不至于煮成粥啦!哈哈!!如果煮成粥的话很失败leh!那天我也顺便煎了3粒蛋。其实也是想趁我妈不在家时煎一煎,看下煎到什么样。我妈在家看着hor... 我就会一直被^$&~#@*。哈哈!现在有机会给我自己研究研究,玩玩啦!^_^

怎样??哈哈!可以看。。。也可以吃喇!不是不会煎,是很少煎。^_^ ok ok的啦!!

我就考完试啦!我弟晚上就回家了,原本是我跟朋友吃了晚餐后我要去载他的,but当时时间紧闭,最后我哥又告诉我,妈不会酱早到家,so我也就。。。哈哈!延迟了回家的时间^_^ 但是也不至于到深夜啦!读了书,考试了,也好累了,10点多久归了,要休息嘛^_^ 那天晚上也谈得蛮尽兴的。If跟college的那班朋友就好咯!因为每次一放假就是要等开学才见面。。。


这就是我妈买回来的lap lap zap zap things...

这瓶酒。。。看到就知道是我妈的最爱(好像叫奶油酒?!)。可是。。。我最讨厌的咯!!因为整个antibiotic的味道。blek... 她知道过后说:“早知道就买红酒”。哈哈!

Monday, 22 December 2008

eXam Week...

~6-12 December 2008~
Our exam was actually just the next day of the farewell party. May be you will think that why we still feel so free and relax to attend the party yesterday. haha! It is a farewell party woh!! It may be the last meet with our English lecturer mah! while the party is just until 1pm something, and I won't study at noon also, so just attend the class for fun and relax relax, rather than stay at home the whole day to study, it is such a boring thing that I hate to do...^_^

So at that night, I was studying MPW-Moral for the exam that was held on the next day(Saturday). At the beginning, I felt that there were so many thing to study although tips had been given. After sorting out those tips, I decide to write down what should I study for each questions. It really takes time, but worth to do so. Cause I finish write down all those answer for every questions at about 12am midnight, then it took me about 2 hours to finish study all that, rather than look through the book, so messy. haha! I manage to get into bed early that day although the exam was held at 12pm at the next day.^_^ I still remember that time my mum don't even know my exam was just started at Saturday, she was so curious. haha! 3 hours for the exam... objective+subjective... I wrote until I felt that I can publish a book already... walao!! what such an exercise for my right hand... Some more there were some candidates took less than one hour to finish it... how they did that leh??

There was a public holiday on Monday, so means I still have time to prepare for the exam next week. On Saturday and Sunday, I didn't even study, cause the study mood was not there. Malaysian mah!! always last minute geh^_^ Well, Sunday, I still have breakfast with my family at Klang. We ate bak kut teh at Taman Rashna there then went shopping at the Jusco nearby. lol... my younger brother so good!! He managed to bought a pant, slippers and shoes. aih... but also good, cause FINISH bought his CNY new stuff!!

Monday night...
only I started my revision for English and Management exam for the next day. seems like many things to study, but don't know why I also had finished it quite fast. That time about 10pm my friend still called me to ask something, he was so curious that I just start study. haha! He said I was 5A12's student, cannot be so lazy geh. aih... 5A12's students so what la?! also human mah^_^ About English, this semester seems like fewer things to study, so I just look through those tenses exercise. But this subject always looks hopeless, cause I'm really weak in general stuff. haizz...

After English exam, we decided to go back home to have rest then 2pm only went back for Managment exam. aih... so rush for English exam. I didn't do the summary part, 10 marks loss T_T While Management exam also, write until I can publish a book already. haha! The exam for today end at 4pm, so tired for today, some more the hardest subject for me-Accounting exam was just right at Wed. I already prefer to study until late at midnight one, but at last before 12am I already slept. I also don't know why, what I did was just look through those example, exercise and memorize then finish! lol...

2-4pm-Accounting exam... Many people didn't do the 1st question-ledger, but I did it, but I sure can't get full marks for that cause... haha!! just cincai put here and there^_^ I used 1 hour to finish the 1st question then 30minutes and 25 minutes for the other 2 questions. THEN 5 MINUTES FOR THE LAST QUESTION!!! walao!! so rush... when I finish the ledger, I already felt I will just manage to finish one more question only at that time. But luckily, finally...

No exam for today. That day only I know it was a public holiday for Selangor. haha! No wonder no exam la! REST...
Tomorrow Maths exam... 5-7pm... so weird about the exam time... so I prefer to study in the morning on Friday one... But my friends hor... They want to come my house for revision on Friday, so I have no choice got to start study at this night.

12.30pm, Weng Kit came my house. I roughly revise with him what he not understand geh..
Then 2.30pm, Bee Yee and Fui Teng turn. They actually came my house to sit.. -.-lll + ^_^

look also know who are them lo hor^_^ ask them to take photo only mah! like I want to eat them like that. hide until this. aih... haha!!

They all went back at 4pm then we met at college at 5pm.. FINISH!! exam week bye bye! cause I didn't take Economic. Economic exam was at the next day. 4 of us-Janice, Bee Yee, Fui Teng and me were having dinner at Station 1 nearby until 10pm something only we went back home.

my study material for this 2nd semester... see!! so thick for Accounting... this subject make me faint...

Last day of 2nd semester+Bye Miss..

aiya.. long time didn't update my blog.. get blaming jor^_^ Sorry sorry.. I'll update now. hehe!! Lazy mah and some more busy. Well, thanks for you all to visit my blog also^_^ So I'll update randomly from the past until now. hehe!!

~05 December 2008~
This was the last day for my 2nd semester, it was happened two week ago. Well, this was also the last day for my English lecturer to teach us, cause after this she is going to move to Australia. I think it is also for her son's further study. I felt so happy to be taught by her for the last two semester, but feel quite sad as next semester she will not teaching us anymore T_T Before that, I still hope that she will teach us for three semester, but now... So, just got to accept it as a fate.

Precisely, we had English class on the last day of our semester, so our lecturer-Miss Stephanie just make it as a farewell party for us and also for her. At that day, we had ready a big card and flower(can be kept one).
still remember that day was having a serious traffic jam when I went to college with Bee Yee.. seeee...cant even move..

so no choice, we got to go by another road, where need to pay for two looks better for this road..

When we reached, we just silently get into other class to sign the big big card and wait for our class. She just explain briefly what should we do in our exam, this and that and thats all for our class for that day and also for the semester.

The time after that was our party time . Those guys were getting out to carry those huge packet of KFC and also ready for the present. Then others just hanging here and there, some more play cards in the class(include me^_^)
hanging in class's people were taking photo...

hanging around...

hanging around...

"cards members"

KFC...for everyone who was present at that by ourselves lol...

that is our lecturer... we were present her a BIG BIG card + a flower + a bunch of real flowers

our memory with miss...

everyone was busy with their KFC..

After meal, we just stay in the class to pass the time... By the time, Miss had gave a speech. I still remember what she said was although our class is a bit weaker than other class(I mean English), but our class is still better than the other class as our good personality and behaviour.^_^

Good Luck to Miss Stephanie... and also all my classmate...Bye Miss!! We'll miss you!!!