Friday, 26 June 2009




Monday, 22 June 2009

Now only I have a short while to take a 'breathe'

Finally, the first assignment-ENL was handed in last week. Today, was the due date for the second assignment-CSC (computing). For that ENL assignment, it was the first assignment I managed to finish it early. But, it was a waste to do so. I'VE WASTED MORE THAN 20+ PAPER!!! ALMOST REPRINT 3 TIMES OF IT!!! lol... "Lecturers!!! Can you all please set up the criteria earlier? Trees are limited!" Today, I have reprint my CSC assignment too. Aih... Pictures with colour become black and white. lol... Hope it wont be happened in the next assignment. If not, next time I'll just bring my printer to college already @_@

By right now I have to prepare for the ENL presentation for tomorrow, but so lucky that it has been postponed to next Tuesday. So, I can have a rest tonight. Beside prepare the presentation for next week, there is another assignment(ECO) to be handed in next Thursday too. Aiyoyo!!! Everything just keep on going... Yet, another group CSC assignment and group ENL assignment are on the journey too. ARH!!! Need to do interview, design web page... Which business and who should we interview T_T

These days, I really feel very tired, not enough sleep. But I must be SPIRIT to continue my work!!! This is just the first semester for degree!! Wish my coursemate and friends all the best too!! =D

Saturday, 6 June 2009

Selangor<--->Kuala Lumpur

Today, 今天,hari ini...
好久没一家人一起出去走走了!今天难得一家人一起出去了整半天,还是北奔南跑那一个^_^ 9点多起身,喝杯营养餐,11点准备好,出发!


On the way to Berkeley Town, Klang

就在Taman Rashna附近,久久我跟家人也会到那里吃肉骨茶的。Wow!我们也不算迟了,but还是得等哟!上了电视就真的不一样的了^^ 就是满满人,高朋满座。我们也算是第一家在等的了,还好不会很久,菜也上到蛮快。我家有一家五口,可是我们却叫了6样菜,lol... 吓死人leh!
哈哈!就是这六样菜肴。最特别+好吃的是翁菜吊片。NICE!!! :-p

Overall还可以啦!But那个鱼尾贵咯!hehe!! 炸翁菜好吃好吃!!我个人喜欢啦!有点像rojak。叫了六样菜肴,最后又加了3碗饭。lol... 很大吃酱!不知道的人还以为我们几天没吃饭。哈哈!

Then,就从Selangor下KL去,去茨场街,我妈要去看看布。以前的“外劳街”真的没有外劳了吗?有呱?一点?But这次去看到每一摊几乎都是华人在看守了的。Wow!市政府“点”!!希望能耐一段很长的时间。天气热到-.-lll 好热呀!!!好像去sauna酱。
永远都那么多人在逛的一条街。。。not hei tip gai,is qi cong gai XD

明天又要出去?不肯定。But肯定的是--啊!!!Assignments... Monday got holiday meh?!???

p/s: Sweating for the whole day -.-lll

Friday, 5 June 2009


Yesterday, we have four hours break from 12-4pm. As we need to pass up our assignment soon, so we had spent that four hours in the library for searching purpose. Well, after having lunch at AsiaCafe and ate an ice-cream at McD, we went to library to start our work. Actually Bee Yee, Fui Teng and me had already been to library on Tuesday looking for Economics assignment's references. But now, we got to leave it beside first, cause English and Computing assignments should be rush first.

Yesterday, we were searching for English assignment's references. Nowadays, those assignments are a bit different with what we did in foundation. Citation around, haizz...
We are doing a compare and contrast assignment for English.
My partner and me-MAS & AirAsia
Sam & Poh Jin-BMW & Mercedes-Benz
Peng and Sze-McD & KFC
Bee and Teng-Carlsberg & Heineken
So, we were helping each other when looking for every type of sources. In between, I think they were hate me as they always saw my info. hehe^^ Sorry and THANKS ya!

Everyone like turn over the whole library, and busy around. Somemore so HOT inside -.-lll lol... Almost 4pm only we left the library and go for the next class.

p/s: "Today is the day I ever read so many newspaper," said Bee. muahaha!!

Free lunch-免费的午餐??


讲了一点废话hor?!哈哈!Back to the topic first^^ 为什么我要讲这“免费的午餐”leh?Sorry,又废话 XD 其实是这样的,最近我跟几个朋友去了一间新开的普通餐厅用餐,就想,新餐厅喔!试试无妨。那时大概十一点多,我们去到,看到。。。没有人哦!又有犹豫了一下要不要进去的?最后就当然进了去咯!不然没有故事写了^^ 不知道我们是不是它的第一桌顾客leh?ok!看了看menu,也不是很多选择啦!就问问waitress有没有set lunch之类的,她很亲切但是就听不懂我在问什么哦!应该是缅甸人吧?!Well,因为新开张,所以所有的食物和水都有promotion,so我们也不管set了,就一样样order。

我们的水和食物都一样样到齐了。我和另一个朋友的水和食物都完全没问题,就唯独我一位朋友她的水和食物都被送入厨房“整理”过。“整理”过后就符合要求了,还好。不是很想透露是什么问题啦!因为那间小餐厅也还不错。他们的态度和服务都令我们满意,不然我已经唱衰它了!So,就给人家一次机会吧!所谓“揾是艰难”啊!我们也在那里呆了整个小时,当我们要付钱离开时,负责人竟说:“哦!这次就免费你们吧!既然刚才你们的食物和水都有问题。But下次要来光顾哦!” 哈哈!Wow!你讲他们的服务ok bo?!哈哈!你会要唱衰他没有?我也真是第一次遇到free lunch咯!只不过一个人的餐饮有问题,but他就free我们,那天我们每个人也大概吃了整MYR10都有吧!

p/s: 今时今日甘既服务态度竟岩嘛!^^

One thing forgotten...

(1st June)