Tuesday, 20 May 2008
Posted by eeVON at 23:33 0 comments
Monday, 19 May 2008
2nd week of my college life
第二个礼拜也就普普通通咯!like普通上课。but computing又多了一个group assignment. Individual assignment also not yet start but group assignment is coming already. How can we manage to finish it?? aih...don't know what lecturer think pun. While economics for this week I hampir can understand what lecturer has taught, it's chapter 2 already, about demand and supply. So, everyday at night, I may do my own econ notes as revision. English and Maths are just as normal like last week. While Malaysian Studies has one assignment for it which about culture. Now feel like a bit boring already, that's why you can see the picture below which taken by Weng Kit when in Computing class.
Saturday, my house's Astro account has receive the new gold. But actually not as gold as what we seen in the TV la!
At night, I went to pasar malam then only went to citrus park to meet my friends. This time the gathering just 5 of us attend only, they are Yi Zhen, Huei Min, Fui Teng, Wai San and me. I also don't know that upper stair at Wong Kok other gang are celebrate C Wei's birthday. C Wei, you not good lo! want present but din't send me any invitation card as what OYMY said. har!!
After that, C Wei fetch me back. hehe! 1st time sit C Wei's car, quite ok ler! thanks ya!!
Sunday, my younger brother go to play basketball then come back home with 3 friends to do their project. Then my brother, mum and I go to Kinrara's Giant to buy the offer DVD player.
Posted by eeVON at 21:54 0 comments
这个周末,跟我妈、哥哥和弟弟去了Cheras原本是Makro but现在是Tesco的霸级市场走走。买了一些看到便宜的东西咯!这个叫Opportunity cost,econ学回来的。^_^ 不明的话看到我就问下啦!
Then,礼拜是妈妈day嘛!通常都每年都没什么庆祝,只是出去吃吃饭还是什么的。那天早上8点多,妈妈就叫了我们起床,讲要去Seremban的巴刹那里吃早餐。我们的第一个反应就是--哇!so 'near'. But既然是妈妈day,难道要拒绝meh?反正都得空。hehe! 有的游车河都不知几开心。哈哈!
Posted by eeVON at 20:07 0 comments
6/5 (Tues)
wow! 这天12pm才上课,所以可以睡迟些。我10点多才起床,因为实在太累了。原本想跟妈妈出去吃早午餐的,看到时间很紧凑,所以就不想出了。准备好一切11点又等我爸从office回来载我。这天Bee Yee叫我顺便去载她,so叫了Weng Kit来我家。去Bee Yee家载了她我们就去college了。这天没堵车,因为11点多嘛!到了那里也还蛮早,去了教室等候。
昨天我迟到,这天轮到Fui Teng。哈哈!第一堂课是Introductory Economics,看到lecturer又觉得她很像我中学中三教我地理的那个老师。哈哈!(讲下罢了)这次就没自我介绍了,轮到lecturer叫名字,她自己认人。讲了讲范围,就开始上课了。没上过economics,上了才知道alamak!! 酱闷!我的妈呀!!忍受不了。第一堂课就不知道她在教什么了,只顾着一直抄她给的notes,想着回家自己再看看做自己的notes。
两个小时的break time, 又是午餐时间。这天还记得吃了云吞面。然后我们4个就到处走走,去店铺看下有没有ngam用的书还是什么的。
4pm,上英文。星期二是在computer lab上的,主要是要我们上网看新闻和去做一个练习。
7/5 (Wed)
星期三的课6个小时连续到2pm,没有break。先是上两节(一节一个小时)Malaysian Studies,我最讨厌的History。T.T 还要in English。惨咯!惨咯!我不要fail... 这天好笑的是我们进错班。哈哈!教室是在旧楼的LH-3可是我们去了新楼的LH-3。3班一起上课好吵哦!but很明显是其他两班显得比较吵,因为我的班是出名静的。
Then就到Computing lab class. 又是我们的online时间了。哈哈!那里敢online啦!才第三天上课就酱顽皮咩?!依lecturer的指示,上网找找individual assignment的title。(有没有搞错!第三天就给assignment!)
After computing class就到mathematics class. Lecturer一进教室我就觉得很恐怖了,因为看到她很严肃。她第一件事就是解释了范围然后吩咐我们下去买书了,买了书上来就开始上课。还好有得上maths,不然恐怕我那四科会闷死。第一课猜下是关于什么?哈哈!Form 4 Chapter 3-Sets. 不是很pro啦!at least会咯!
8/5 (Thurs)
拜四最惨,从早上8am到傍晚5pm才可以回家。Break time还多过上课。
先是上Malaysian Studies,然后break三个小时。那三节做什么leh?就呆在library一会,上下网,找下书,然后去吃午早午餐咯!一个字--闷!
At last,也只不过是上一节Eng就balik rumah了。会不会编排时间哒?这天的英文就lecturer给了10个vocab和2个谚语似的,让我们每一节都学些新字。
9/5 (Fri)
今天有够高兴。hehe! 因为原本是上课上到5pm的,but那天拜一Eng's lecturer换了换我们的timetable,删减了后面两堂多出来的课。So now,我们的放学时间是deng deng deng deng!!!!12pm!! hehe!!but if sometime there have consultation for econ it may be fall on friday. But I heard that this most properly 1 or 2 times only before exam. 有快乐就当然有not so快乐的时光的啦!今天的课就上了两节Maths和两节Computing。
So, the conclusion for the 1st week is I feel boring with some subjects. Although is just the 1st week, I already start to scar about my exam. Aih...
Posted by eeVON at 16:59 0 comments
今天真的开学咯!弟弟7.20am上课而我8am才上课可是还是比他早起(因为我很摸^_^)。喝了杯milo,准备一下,弟弟也准备,爸爸也准备,大概7.10am酱才出门(因为爸爸的闹钟没响,所以睡迟了一点)。载了我弟去学校也大概7.20am了。然后我爸也就飞车去载Weng Kit(我们俩carpool)。哎!因为迟了些出门所以有点倒霉,堵车龙,一直堵到去old town的转弯处。因为这样来回我爸得花半个小时的时间,所以他也干脆换好衣服,方便载了我去学院然后去吃早餐就顺道去工作了。堵车真是害死人,第一天上课就已迟到了,还好也只不过是那5分钟,不然也就不知所措了。到了学院,我和Weng Kit也直冲上四楼的教室去,跑楼梯哟!因为之前有发现到电梯很慢,等的来也不快过我们走楼梯,所以干脆跑了上去。
这天的第一堂课是Basic Computing,lecturer是男的,叫Mr Tee。看到他的第一个印象是觉得他很像我中学的物理老师^_^ 那个look啦!不是样子XD 刚开始上课第一件事不用讲了吧!当然就是自我介绍了。大家1 by 1介绍自己的名字及住哪里,当中lecturer也问了些废问题。比如当我跟Weng Kit讲我们住在Happy Garden时,lecturer就叫我们"why don't you two separate sit with those who are unhappy" LOL!!what a 'good' question?! swt(x10) 然后讲了讲我们这个semester的范围,书本等。
Break time!! 10-12pm. 因为这天是我们第一天上课嘛!So,吃就当然在最近的地方解决了,也就是学院对面的Asia Cafe。想到等下2pm回家有得吃午餐,所以这一餐就看着朋友吃了,想到要省钱嘛!现在一餐那里还有3-4令吉??
12pm去到了6楼的107教室上Fundamentals of English。老师看起来没什么,还ok可以接受,又不会摆架子,还好过我中学教我班英文的那个'hao po Tan' ,又小气又爱摆架子,真顶她不顺。这位就比她好得多了。我们也再自我介绍自己一遍。Then,lecturer ask我们写一篇短作文给她,may be要看看我们的水准吧!加上要看下我们的一些看法。不错啊!第一天就给我们一张练习纸了。我很高兴的是没想到上到Foundation英文还有的从头开始上起,既是从最简单的grammar, verbs等等的。哇!对我这英文烂糟糟的来说就真的太好了。希望能从中获益啦!在讨论练习纸时,也发现了大家的水准也还ok,我就比他们差啦!But lecturer竟然没有一声叹气的指我们的错还是这样简单都不会,只是一直指点我们。Wow! so good!!这样上课也没那么压力。如果是那个'hao po Tan'的话,早就讲&骂了咯!
时间一分一秒地过去了,放学时间到。Then我就等我爸来载我和Weng Kit回家去。回到家,第一件事就是洗澡。天气好热!!真顶它不顺。
我的college生涯就此开始了!这天也遇到了不少人,like study mass com. 的Siem Qing, Lin Xin & Siew Wai. Study Diploma Business的Wai Kee. 还有those study A-level(2nd sem)的Hui Xin, Sheryl and Wai Kit.
Posted by eeVON at 12:20 0 comments
开学前-last day
Today is really last day for me to 'goyang kaki' at home. I'm still feel very nervous don't know what to do, just think to do some preparation for tomorrow. So, I went to Popular Bookstore to buy some stationery. I think you may feel weird about where my stationery gone after my secondary life. haha! nothing to feel weird. Just most of them have been taken by my brother, like eraser, ball pen, correction tape and etc.. Don't why I went to Popular but just end up with 2 items-a blue ball pen and an eraser. Can't even think what should I buy at the time. After that, the rest of the time I just have my sweet time to take a long nap until evening.
At night after having my dinner, I start to check and prepare again all my things(actually nothing to prepare also). I still remember that time my friend-Fui Teng still remind me to bring sweater when we are online. Before that I just think to bring a file, at last because of the reminder, she makes me to bring a bag along.
I'm still remember that day I go to bed very early, but the weird thing is I sleep well at the night.(a bit 'so po', before orientation night can't sleep well but before college life start can sleep until begitu comfortable.LOL!!)
Posted by eeVON at 11:56 0 comments
Sunday, 18 May 2008
还有用zhap-ba-lang language,means malays+english+mandarin+cantonese. 希望大家看得明啦!在此想提醒大家,我的broken english是不可以拿来做参考的哟!
这天是劳动节。还以为没有节目的,哪里懂我妈看到我要开学了,所以那阵子都一直带我这里去那里去买买东西。但是最需要的就偏偏没买到,那就是衣服咯!这天也不例外,我妈看到报纸刊登了有个地方有大减价卖about sport wear的items,then我就跟爸妈一同去了。那个地方是在Lamborghini Kuala Lumpur的对面(sorry,讲来有点废)。去到那多人得不得了,要钻进人群中才行。还很geli的跟一个汗流浃背的uncle擦肩而过。~.~ 看到好多牌子的items,like Nike, Adidas, Puma, Ambros, Reebook等,不是因牌子而去的啦!只是看到有大减价嘛!平时哪里买得起新款又贵的leh?? maybe most of them are 旧货啦!but are real货^_^ 还在想要买sportshoe还是normal平底鞋leh?!看中了一双Adidas的sportshoe和一双Nike的平底鞋。But when I ask for the size of shoes, there is no hope for the Nike already, cause it was just left the small size-4 for it. 再看下其他brand的款式,还是觉得刚看到的那双Adidas sportshoe比较ok, so就ask for the size and take it to pay. It cost RM120 after 40% discount. 其实两双都想要咯!人,永远都是那么的tamak的啦!但是觉得上个礼拜在Mid Valley看到的那双Nike的平底鞋美一点^_^ 那双就price RM199, no discount for it. 如果生日礼物是那双就好XD
I think nothing to show ba! is just a white sport shoe as normal as 3 strips of adidas logo there.^_^
Then, lunch time... ...like grandmother story as what you did everyday...
It was a normal day for today. I've my computer time in the morning while waiting for my 2 brothers coming back from school and UKM. Cause my mum want to bring them to the sells where yesterday I went. But at the end my elder brother refuse to go, so my mum, younger brother and me were going there. 到了那里再三看下,很高兴的是还好昨天有到这里来买那双鞋,不然今天就没有我的份儿了,因为好看的也寥寥无几了,我买的那双也消失了。最后,我弟也没看中哪一双,就这样空手回家了。
At night, it was my gathering time with my gang. We're decided to go Station 1 since everyone has no idea. I was surprise that I can't even believe everyone was present. But one thing hate it is why everytime also late? Especially for those who always late.aih...but forgive you all la! since it was already pass. Usually I may stay until very late, but that day I can't make it cause tomorrow I've to go to my college-INTIsj for the orientation day. So about 10 something I've leave.
Feel like a bit nervous, this night din't sleep well although is just an orientation.
I went to my college to attend the orientation day. Luckily there are 3 friends are having the same course with me and we are study in the same class. I was surprise that there were just a few of my secondary school students study here. Sum up(+ some seniors) I think just 20 something like that only. We were ask to have a sit in the MPH-multi purpose hall in the new block, 2nd floor to listen some speech. What I'm remember is everyone just started the speech with "you all are choosing the right choice to have your study in INTI".LOL!!
After the speech, all of us were separated according to the course, while CBF(Foundation Programme in Business) students, means we are still staying in the MPH, no need to have any movement. After we had received our new timetable, we're follow the INTIMA(don't know how to describe) to have a short college tour. Feel sad with the timetable when I saw it.
About 1pm, the orientation has end.
This was what I had did at the last week of my 'goyang kaki' time.
Posted by eeVON at 22:54 0 comments