Last week just went back dad's kampung with my family. By then, this time only 4 of us went back, not get use with it tim! Cause usually is my dad check the car when go for long journey, pack all things inside the car boot... Aiyo.. So, my elder brother become the driver this time. About half year did not go back already, since it was a holiday, so we went back for 4 days 3 night.
What a hot weather! lol... Sweating while sleeping, really hot. Nearly beh tahan. What I can't stop to do over there is EAT!!! Didn't even feel hungry one, cause eat non stop, somemore every family also brought mooncake. wow!! Really fat fat ler... That's why at KL should diet. haha!! Can I?? I also doubt with it.
So excited to see my cousin come back, we were very boring before they back. No internet over there, at least we can watch drama through laptop la^^ Aiyo!! My cute cousin sis also, hehe!! Long time no see ler...
Wednesday, 30 September 2009
Balik kampung
Posted by eeVON at 21:46 0 comments
Wednesday, 23 September 2009
Celebration at Full House
Posted by eeVON at 19:06 0 comments
Sunday, 20 September 2009
Hehe!! 今天我妈不知为何心情那么好,带我们去成功时代广场走走。好开心哟!!我们一家很少会下KL去的,因为都不喜欢塞车和找泊车位。刚刚就我妈、我弟和我去而已,我哥就不想去。三个人乘着Elite仔去。一路上交通顺畅,可是进到成功时代广场的泊车场就还是满满车的。
走街lu~~^^ 跟妈妈走街的好处是什么?XD 是不用自己付款,当然还有人帮忙看看要买的东西ok不ok啦!还有一样,就是服务员比较尊敬长辈(大多数啦!),因为我不喜欢的是,有的服务员看到我们年轻人就很敷衍地serve我们,有大人在就不一样了。一走进去广场差不多每各几间就是鞋店,女人的本性就是买鞋,看到鞋就当然不放过了咯!哈哈!我也要买双新的高跟鞋for presentation,so就顺便看看了,最后也选中了一双,但得好好保护,钩到就不好了。Then继续走走看看。我弟也在Romp买了两件衣,我又在Voir买了件折扣衣,我妈也买了两件折扣衣。
今天穿对了鞋子,因为脚跟、脚板没感到疼痛。浩浩荡荡地走了整三四个小时,是时候回家lu~~ 轮到我驾Elite仔回家去。还好大家都有收获。哇!真的好开心^^
Posted by eeVON at 20:37 0 comments
Sunday, 13 September 2009
Li Yan's Steamboat Farewell Party
地点:Tasty Hotpot Steamboat
活动:Li Yan's Farewell Party
23/9/2009,Li Yan就得飞了,真的是一个接一个的出国升造去。听说年尾甚多。。。
要我讲回怎样认识Li Yan的话,说真的,我也不记得了。只是自从Form 5同班后,彼此就比较多交谈和问功课。她的人呢?比较随和、容易交谈、没有心计、不计较、谦虚,真的是位不错的朋友。很高兴认识你这位朋友,也很高兴你还记得我,邀请我去你的欢送会。
Share some photos with you all~~
2 tables' eating session~~
Additional food for our tables due to everyone still half full~~
Late comer~~Sin May XD
Yeah!! Everyone Yam Seng for the farewell~~ (everyone in the shop was looking at us lol... paiseh-nya)
Li Yan was giving some speech before end~~
离开了火锅店后,时间还早。So,我们几个就跟Li Yan到后排的一间糖水店在坐一会,而其他的就去了看半夜场。10点多,大家散场。她跟Fui Teng去了找Shi Yeong and meet Huei Min。
Well, I'm really glad to know you, maybe we don't know each other as well, but at least we are still friends and get to meet each other after Form 5.
Wish you:
~Good Luck in your study
~Good Luck in everything too~
~Take Good Care~
~Keep in touch ya!!~
Posted by eeVON at 12:20 0 comments
Sunday, 6 September 2009
地点:Faber Height, Taman Desa
活动:Vinnie's Farewell Party
Dress code: Black and White
哦!现在有几位朋友一个接一个都飞出大马了!继上次Lin Xin的farewell后,现在就到Vinnie了。Lin Xin去了Vancouver,Vinnie就即将在明天出发去Stanford, US,well, 接下来就是Li Yan了,她将会到Poland去。Wow! 知道她们有机会出国留学,真的很替她们开心,这也令我有一股冲动想像她们那样。哈哈!但她们都是读书之人,这都是她们大展拳脚的时刻了,让我出国读书?倒不如让我出国旅行吧!^^
昨晚,Vinnie就约了一大半朋友一起为她欢送,大家相聚一堂,好热闹,好开心呢!还难得我跟她是同幼稚园、小学、中学的朋友,所以昨天的farewell+gathering令我觉得好有意义哟!!真的很难得三方面的朋友能聚在一起。昨天刚到场,看到的都是朋友,俊豪还指了指邻桌的小学朋友-盈君,我就有点尴尬地跟她打了招呼^^ 真的好久好久没见面了! 然后我就坐在中学朋友的那一桌谈谈天。
Vinnie昨晚是请了自助餐式的,朋友呀亲戚都到场。她好忙哟!这里招呼了我们,那里又要招呼亲戚朋友。So我们也就自己人在那谈呀谈。。。吃呀吃。。。吃饱了又到楼梯口去继续聊。真的好多好多朋友XD Then,点蜡烛、唱歌、“演讲”、拍照。。。最废的是欣美,她穿黑白线条的衣服,then说自己今天是最守规矩的那一位了,哈哈!就黑白帮她都可以拍照。lol...
~White shirt of the day~
~Mixed mixed shirt of the day~
~Primary school-崇文华小 gang~^^
[从站到坐、左到右:ME,俊濠(Choon How),佩雯(Pui Mun),凯俪(Kai Lee),温妮(Vin Nie),立志(Richie),宜贤(Yik Yeen),盈君,钏茹(Emerial),崇圣,诗欣,静怡(Jing Yi)]
还有还有,Vinnie也带了好多照片,都是幼稚园、小学、中学的,我们都很奇怪为什么她会有那么多小学平日在学校的照片,还有一些不知道我们几时给她的@_@ 看到小时候的自己很pai seh yea...>_<>
Posted by eeVON at 11:48 0 comments
Friday, 4 September 2009
2 months at Papua
Not me la!! If I have the chance to go I will go lo!! I like travelling yea!! But I have never traveled oversea before, even Singapore-.- aih... because... secret :-X
Yesterday, my house turn quiet and quiet with only 3 people in the house. This status may last for 2 months time. Because... because... my dad was going to Papua New Guinea for working purpose. Aiyo! Miss him ler... Since year 1997(I think so if not mistaken), it were already 10 years he didn't go oversea already. Well, now we have to temporarily take over those his jobs he did before. He just teach me how to do some transaction incase he cant do it over there, but hope I remember -.- We got our pocket money for 2 months time too. Now, my mum has to fetch my brother to school in the morning already, wash brother's uniform, we have to wash and dry our socks ourselves, hope brother will wash those his after sport's dirty shirt, and ... ...
Today, my dad just called me after 5pm. My mobile phone rang, the phone number shown was not my dad one, I just picked up, I dont know who was that, then keep on asking "who are you" bla bla bla, cause I cant clearly heard the people spoke, then suddenly heard he say " YOU DONT KNOW WHO AM I MEH??" w@l@o eh... Is my dad. haha! swt lol... My dad is using Malaysia sim card, but I also dont know why the phone number different one. Then he tried to call again, this time clearer with another phone but another different number again @_@ Dont know whats the rate of calling??^^
Posted by eeVON at 22:35 2 comments
Short semester
Well, just started my short semester for the first week. First time I'm experiencing short semester. Almost everyday also meet with the same lecturer over and over. Each subject 8 hours per week, there are 3 subjects, ENL, STA & FIN. There will be 3 assignments for this semester. 3 lecturers also male and with spec. lol... haha!!
ENL-writing paper
STA-all counting MCQ paper
FIN-counting stuff + theory paper
Theory part I definitely surrender, always study but not remember. I like counting but too many and hard, just have to try my best to score cause there is theory. aiyoyo~~ Headache headache!!
Nowadays, everyday also has homework for every subject, wow! Didn't experience such day in college before, now the day just like primary and secondary life, everyday go back home also need to do homework for the day.
And the thing that we always argue every semester one!!! TIMETABLE!!! haha! This semester seems ok, just Tues and Fri a bit unsatisfied with it. 8am-6pm with 4 hours break in between but separately. haizz!! And Friday, 8am-5pm -.- 3 hours break in between, end up 5pm only can go back -.- Aih... Every semester everyone just criticize about the timetable. hehe^^
Ours one have 3 subjects with 2 subjects 50% coursework and 50% exam while STA is 100% exam. But, marketing course has only 1 exam with 8 assignments. So which one better?? Each has its advantage, we have to suffer when exam but they will be relax when exam. fate... Finance students mah!
Good Luck yea!!^^
Posted by eeVON at 20:28 0 comments