地点:Tasty Hotpot Steamboat
活动:Li Yan's Farewell Party
23/9/2009,Li Yan就得飞了,真的是一个接一个的出国升造去。听说年尾甚多。。。
要我讲回怎样认识Li Yan的话,说真的,我也不记得了。只是自从Form 5同班后,彼此就比较多交谈和问功课。她的人呢?比较随和、容易交谈、没有心计、不计较、谦虚,真的是位不错的朋友。很高兴认识你这位朋友,也很高兴你还记得我,邀请我去你的欢送会。
Share some photos with you all~~
2 tables' eating session~~
Additional food for our tables due to everyone still half full~~
Late comer~~Sin May XD
Yeah!! Everyone Yam Seng for the farewell~~ (everyone in the shop was looking at us lol... paiseh-nya)
Li Yan was giving some speech before end~~
离开了火锅店后,时间还早。So,我们几个就跟Li Yan到后排的一间糖水店在坐一会,而其他的就去了看半夜场。10点多,大家散场。她跟Fui Teng去了找Shi Yeong and meet Huei Min。
Well, I'm really glad to know you, maybe we don't know each other as well, but at least we are still friends and get to meet each other after Form 5.
Wish you:
~Good Luck in your study
~Good Luck in everything too~
~Take Good Care~
~Keep in touch ya!!~
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