这不长又不短的假期我也很享受在家的感觉,最开心的是有的去玩 XD 我没像朋友们那么勤奋地做工赚钱,因为我想享受一下学生假期生活,再多一年半载就没得享受了哦!哈哈!
11月头,北上槟城玩了一趟;接着南下麻坡探亲;12月北上江沙出席婚宴;再来北上泰国合艾吃喝玩乐;明天。。。^^ 跟朋友南下新加坡去走走玩玩 XD 这个假期就是特地去出了个人的旅游护照,以为只是出来摆美,派不上用场,呵呵!真的用得着哦!^^ 这19年以来,我也真的是第一次到北上南下的邻国去。我好像森林出来的朋友呵=D 因为我真的很happy有得去旅行嘛!以前小时候不知道为什么别人家就能出国旅行,而我家就不能甚至没机会,现在懂了,明白了,就希望日后还有机会吧!
Monday, 28 December 2009
Posted by eeVON at 15:40 10 comments
Tuesday, 22 December 2009
Hat Yai 3D2N
Yeah yeah!! After passing the border, it took an hour to reach our destination. It is just go straight, straight and straight.
Hotel that we stayed. It's not the grand one, but it looks good^^ Somemore near those places we were going, especially the small and big pasar, night market, places to eat.
We went to watch 'aqua' show on the 1st day too, at Hansa' Cafe Super Club. This is the small show la. Tiger show more different, cause got under 18, so...
Second day, we walked around everywhere, eat and visit around. We visited few temples. In the photo, the middle one is actually all made by steel, it will looks copper on sunset time when the sunshine is still very bright. (Left corner: the uncle funny lol XD) While night, we went to visit a lantern exhibition.
Makan makan makan...
I didn't even feel hungry over there, because...finish eat, then drink, finish drink then eat...
Pork satay, McD pork burger, yao zha guai with kaya, tom yam... ... fried chicken, chicken rice, coconut, hot milk, kuih-muih, mee soup... ... WAH! Really a lot@_@
The day we back, let's look at the Thailand's customs@_@ LONG QUEUE!! The day we went was just wait for 3 to 4 people only. Luckily we went on weekdays.Hoo...
Visited the duty free shop after passing customs, bought some chocolate but not wine, cause need to stay 4D3N only duty free.
We also discovered that most Thailand's people keep 'branded' dogs *.*
Posted by eeVON at 22:00 0 comments
Sunday, 29 November 2009
Outgoing lagi... Today, 3 people, my parents and me. We went to Jusco, Klang. This time is to search for dad's shoe. Arlo... 1 day search for 1 person's shoe = = Nevermind, since I have nothing to do also, and have a good mood to walk around =)
Have a light breakfast in the morning... Clean some stuff--The wheel chair!! The wheels were damn dirty!! When 'walked' here and there, dirt following up. End up we have cleaned all 3 wheel chairs. Then 3 of us headed to have Bak Kut Teh lunch at Taman Rashna. That restaurant is always full house one, but this is also the first time we no need to queue for a table^^
After lunch, then go shopping. We met an incident. I also don't know how to describe it = = Every car is searched for parking lot, when my dad took the ticket, so lucky that there is a car ready to remove. So, after the car removing from the parking lot, naturally, my dad park at the place. The place to drive along the road is so narrow, somomore there is double parking also. While in front of the parking place that we parked, there was a Singapore's car, is actually CRV with Singapore's car plate number la! Don't know whether the people are Singaporean or not. It shown double signal. So, we also didn't bother it but have noticed about it, we thought it is waiting anyone or what, so just proceed our parking. Wow!! Can't imagine. Suddenly, a couple, a middle age couple get down from that car and trying to talk with us to get back "THEIR" parking lot. Erm... Are we wrong because of parking at "YOUR" lot?? But what you mean with the double signal that you are showing?? Waiting people? Car break down? Or that is Singapore's rule? (When want to park, show double signal) What do people think off when you showed double signal? Lagi, WHEN TALKED TO PEOPLE, PLEASE BE POLITE!!! LOUD AND SHOWING YOUR FIERCE FACE IS NOT THE WAY TO TALK TO PEOPLE!!! By the way, don't blame my parents talk to you loudly, when you are trying to scold or talk to people loudly, everyone's respond will just the same. And even the easiest words: "EXCUSE ME" also left out. The middle age male looks like want to punch people also. LOLZ... I can't believe they are Singaporean (If they are)@_@ So as you all know, most people say Singaporean GIA SX one, my parents just said 'let you park, we let you park'. When my dad ready to remove from the parking lot, they also drive away already =.= What the $%#$%!!! Wasting people time, somemore let you park but you drive away. Apa ni?!! Aih...
We also don't want to bother such people already, get down from car and proceed our shopping. In between, I also scare we will meet over again. But my mum said we didn't do wrongly, what should we scare? Lolz... But the couple may just think that they are right lo!! Weekend sales around, and now also having year end sale, everything sales... haha!! My dad bought a pair of Larrie shoe, a rack, mum bought bags and I bought a discounted Polo watch^^
When want to go back, my dad also a bit worry about his car cause we just met such an impolite people. Luckily nothing happen. lolz... On the way back to KL, along Federal Highway, we met 2 accidents.
p/s 1: Lots of good and bad things happen today...
p/s 2: Don't simply use DOUBLE SIGNAL lo!!!
p/s 3: Now only I realize that there are some previous posts I not yet upload =)
Posted by eeVON at 19:37 0 comments
Saturday, 28 November 2009
Mid Valley
These days a bit busy, walking around here and there, not with friends but with my family.
Today I just went to Mid Valley with my mum. Don't know why, aih... Showing the temper that I can't really accept. Nevermind, everyone has own temper, just be patience. Cause you also hope people to accept your temper right?! So must deserve it if you want to. = = Well, after lunch just headed over there. Our car was parked at The Garden side. So start to shop at ISETAN. I have been to ISETAN, but it was happened decade years ago. lolz... I have also forgotten when and where I have stepped into. The name is such like it sells all branded, class and expensive stuff, so I didn't even shop with my friends at ISETAN. Ya!! It's not wrong. It really sells all those classic goods, where I not really willing to spend with my own money by now^^ So, I was just have my window shopping today.
The purpose of shopping was, my mum wanted to find a middle high heel. So, we walked around ISETAN, Jusco, Metrojaya, and even the shop lots = = My legs were nearly patah lolz... If I am the one who is looking for just a pair of shoe, my mum sure mumble all the way. Like walk around the whole mall but end up have no result. I have also discovered that there are a lot of formal shirts at ISETAN. Hope to get one, at least one la, but due to the time, I have only scanned around = =
After walking around 2 to 3 hours, my legs really beh tahan already. Tired + pain, muscle pain. Aiyoyo... End up, we bought a coffee tea maker at Metrojaya as dad requested, some breads at Jusco and my mum shoe's at ISETAN. Me?? Next shopping first lo! Everytime also so unlucky, don't have my size T_T
Posted by eeVON at 21:41 0 comments
Wednesday, 25 November 2009
Hiking at Broga Hill
Posted by eeVON at 22:36 0 comments
Monday, 23 November 2009
Sakura Cafe & Cuisine
Erm... Yesterday, so sudden, my mum suggested to have lunch at Sakura @ Jalan Imbi, KL. She said when we were kids, we went there before, but my younger bro and me totally have lost such a piece of memory. Haha!! Opening the menu, WAH!!! So...@_@ I asked my mum, 'sure we can order any meal hor?' haha!! Just a class price @_@
Posted by eeVON at 09:35 0 comments
Saturday, 21 November 2009
wOw!! 好久没打华文了,也没像以前那样整天更新部落了。
现在都已是我第三个星期的假期了,朋友都一直在喊闷,在家没事做,可我就整天都出去=.= 第一个星期的假期节目特别丰富,也填满了我整个星期的时间。先去了槟城3天2夜,做3天兼职,这样一个礼拜就过去了。
第二个星期,很开心,因为终于可以享受假期了。哈哈!终于有得睡到饱饱,可是我觉得我应该还是比我朋友早起吧!因为我不喜欢迟起的感觉,还有越睡就越累。现在我会比较喜欢在家,因为。。。(会想的人会懂为什么,不会想的人就怎么讲都不明白的啦!所以自己ok就好)Well,有得去运动打打羽球更好^^ 可是只有我一个人=.= 现在比较亲近的朋友也不是很喜欢运动打球之类的,哥和弟又考试,等他们考完试我弟就会自己跟朋友踢球去,很难才约到以前一直相聚打球的朋友出来。哎。。。我也不是整天在家咯!差不多天天都跟我妈这里去那里去,整个星期没得驾车脚也有点痒啦!^^ 总之这两个星期都到处去。OUG, Kuchai, Central, Carrefour, Parkson, Jalan Imbi, IOI Mall, Bandar Puteri, Amcorp Mall, PJ, Shah Alam... 北上南下,还有的我也忘了=.= 昨天也回了乡下去,刚才傍晚才回来。回到乡下,那懂我阿公一会儿就得去新加坡第二天飞去香港了。就回去探望我阿公那一下子,也是有原因的,因为接下来我爸可能会好一段日子甚至几个节日都不能回到乡下去。哎。。。
来来去去,哎哟哟!!我的书桌还是考完试的那个模样,凌乱不堪@_@ 是时候收拾了!下个星期先,呵呵^^ 之前一直进进出出,进进出出搞到我也没心情想去收拾。
这漫长的假期得好好地珍惜哟!在多一年半载应该再也没有这样舒服地在家里无所事事或跟家人整天进进出出了吧!所以我也选择了不去找工,几天的兼职已足够了。享受是应分的,难道要到了以后连忙里偷闲的机会也没有才来埋怨、后悔嘛?! XD
Posted by eeVON at 23:47 0 comments
Friday, 13 November 2009
Posted by eeVON at 17:18 0 comments
Tuesday, 10 November 2009
Part time work at Mid Valley
Last week, after a convoy trip to Penang, I have only 1 day rest on Thursday to proceed with a part time job. Wow!! What a tired week for me@_@
After exam(Saturday-31/Oct), bunch of friends went to Klang to have our celebration + gathering. Oh!! NICE^^
One day rest on Sunday... Get prepared to Penang...
Monday(2/Nov), lets convoy convoy convoy!! Haha!! Went to Penang to play play play~eat eat eat~walk walk walk~drive drive drive~look look look around... WooHoo!! Nice trip with bunch of friends. Love it^^
Ok! Thursday... I supposed to have an appointment of skin doctor, but so good, cancelled, cause medicine has being bought^^ Finally I can rest for a day. Oh! Miss my mum's dishes very very much. At Penang, everyone was actually craving for vegetables. Haha!! Long time no vege, most people feel beh tahan. Lol! But got people "allergic to vege" lolz@_@... haha!!
Well, Fri, Satur and Sun worked for a Grand PC & Electronic Fair at Mid Valley Exibition Hall. Working for X-Peak company too. Haha!! Almost forgotten what are those products already, only remember the screen protector and leather case stuff XD Same as last time, first day, tired and pain... This time they need 4 part-timer as well, 2 work at Mid Valley and 2 at Wangsa Maju. I found Ah Peng to make it. But the business at Wangsa Maju was in 'egg' result @_@ Ah Peng also decline the work for the following days. lolz...
This time we got another job, distribute cash rebate voucher... Huei Min stood around Nokia area while me stood around Sony Ericsson area. lolz... We just looks like the mobile promoter more than our company's promoter @_@ Haha!!
Sales for the first day of fair was also not that good, but the following days seems to be better. I like such part time, cause lazy to work everyday XD
Wanna have a good rest this week, then only start to arrange and clean my stuff.
Woo!!Happy Holiday everyone!!
Posted by eeVON at 23:10 0 comments
Thursday, 5 November 2009
Busy week
This week is a busy week...
Play for 3 days & work for 3 days...
Hopefully next week will be a rest and enjoy week for me to arrange my stuff...
Well, post will be uploaded after the week^^
Got to have rest.
Good NightZzz...
Posted by eeVON at 23:55 0 comments
Sunday, 1 November 2009
Just finish off my exam yesterday, last paper-ENL ^^
Posted by eeVON at 11:59 0 comments
Friday, 23 October 2009
My current status
Wow!! I have left my blog for half of a month already. haha!! This month is a busy month lol... Test, assignment due, rush for the syllabus, although it is not as much as my marketing's friends were suffering la... They have their own stuff to busy with, we too...
Posted by eeVON at 23:13 0 comments
Saturday, 3 October 2009
Fui Teng's Birthday Celebration with College Friendsss
Date: 2nd October 2009 (Friday)
Wow! Fui Teng, your celebration with college friends not bad yea.. Haha!! A different celebration. Although were few of us, let me list them out first^^ Sam, Jinn, Peng, Bee, Samantha, Terence, Chun Lim, Tommy, Tze How, Sean, Kian Ming and me lol... Hope you were enjoy yea~~
After class, we were gathered and headed by following car to Fui Teng's house. It was traffic jam on the journey. So, it was actually quite difficult to follow. Every car was missing after paying toll. Luckily still safely reach a petrol station at meet up. Jinn them had lost on the way, so others went to Fui Teng's house first, while Sean and me were waiting for them. Wow! Really san fu them. When met them up, we went to bring Kian Ming too. Can't believe they were watching [Chicken Little] at Fui Teng's house
Finish our dinner, we went to the nearest shop to buy some candle and lantern, then go to the playground that near Fui Teng's house to play+celebration.










Fui Teng
Enjoy your birthday ya!!

Have a nice birthday
to everyone^^
Posted by eeVON at 22:21 0 comments
Wednesday, 30 September 2009
Balik kampung
Last week just went back dad's kampung with my family. By then, this time only 4 of us went back, not get use with it tim! Cause usually is my dad check the car when go for long journey, pack all things inside the car boot... Aiyo.. So, my elder brother become the driver this time. About half year did not go back already, since it was a holiday, so we went back for 4 days 3 night.
What a hot weather! lol... Sweating while sleeping, really hot. Nearly beh tahan. What I can't stop to do over there is EAT!!! Didn't even feel hungry one, cause eat non stop, somemore every family also brought mooncake. wow!! Really fat fat ler... That's why at KL should diet. haha!! Can I?? I also doubt with it.
So excited to see my cousin come back, we were very boring before they back. No internet over there, at least we can watch drama through laptop la^^ Aiyo!! My cute cousin sis also, hehe!! Long time no see ler...
Posted by eeVON at 21:46 0 comments
Wednesday, 23 September 2009
Celebration at Full House



Posted by eeVON at 19:06 0 comments
Sunday, 20 September 2009
Hehe!! 今天我妈不知为何心情那么好,带我们去成功时代广场走走。好开心哟!!我们一家很少会下KL去的,因为都不喜欢塞车和找泊车位。刚刚就我妈、我弟和我去而已,我哥就不想去。三个人乘着Elite仔去。一路上交通顺畅,可是进到成功时代广场的泊车场就还是满满车的。
走街lu~~^^ 跟妈妈走街的好处是什么?XD 是不用自己付款,当然还有人帮忙看看要买的东西ok不ok啦!还有一样,就是服务员比较尊敬长辈(大多数啦!),因为我不喜欢的是,有的服务员看到我们年轻人就很敷衍地serve我们,有大人在就不一样了。一走进去广场差不多每各几间就是鞋店,女人的本性就是买鞋,看到鞋就当然不放过了咯!哈哈!我也要买双新的高跟鞋for presentation,so就顺便看看了,最后也选中了一双,但得好好保护,钩到就不好了。Then继续走走看看。我弟也在Romp买了两件衣,我又在Voir买了件折扣衣,我妈也买了两件折扣衣。
今天穿对了鞋子,因为脚跟、脚板没感到疼痛。浩浩荡荡地走了整三四个小时,是时候回家lu~~ 轮到我驾Elite仔回家去。还好大家都有收获。哇!真的好开心^^
Posted by eeVON at 20:37 0 comments
Sunday, 13 September 2009
Li Yan's Steamboat Farewell Party
地点:Tasty Hotpot Steamboat
活动:Li Yan's Farewell Party
23/9/2009,Li Yan就得飞了,真的是一个接一个的出国升造去。听说年尾甚多。。。
要我讲回怎样认识Li Yan的话,说真的,我也不记得了。只是自从Form 5同班后,彼此就比较多交谈和问功课。她的人呢?比较随和、容易交谈、没有心计、不计较、谦虚,真的是位不错的朋友。很高兴认识你这位朋友,也很高兴你还记得我,邀请我去你的欢送会。
Share some photos with you all~~
2 tables' eating session~~
Additional food for our tables due to everyone still half full~~
Late comer~~Sin May XD
Yeah!! Everyone Yam Seng for the farewell~~ (everyone in the shop was looking at us lol... paiseh-nya)
Li Yan was giving some speech before end~~
离开了火锅店后,时间还早。So,我们几个就跟Li Yan到后排的一间糖水店在坐一会,而其他的就去了看半夜场。10点多,大家散场。她跟Fui Teng去了找Shi Yeong and meet Huei Min。
Well, I'm really glad to know you, maybe we don't know each other as well, but at least we are still friends and get to meet each other after Form 5.
Wish you:
~Good Luck in your study
~Good Luck in everything too~
~Take Good Care~
~Keep in touch ya!!~
Posted by eeVON at 12:20 0 comments